• When I’m falling. When I’m falling. Yeah I am falling. And I calling. Calling Death. Get me out of here the sun is just crashing on us. I just want to run away from this shity way. It’s though damn cold down there. My heart is just breaking into ice pieces. This heart is just too heavy for me. He is like two thousand years if you knew.

    Just come take me and bears me as far as you can, in your home behind the sun. Here no one will see us. We will be able to make love with our heart forever. And all the blood will make all the newest stars.

    Our babies will be stars like in heaven. Because there will be no death. But just you and me. Our naked body. Our tiny bed. We will rest forever. We are so fuck up and tired. Creating humanity was a big mistake.

    We just have to let them go. Their end is near anyway. Our’s, however, will never come. We are tied up and we have already died too many times. We could just watch TV see how they will make out to die all.

    How would you want our next planet to be called ? Orange Juice ? New Hope ?


    Just I am reaaaaaalllly tired right now. And you know I have waited for you for sooo loooong. I know you want me to save the good people down here before the End.

    I know you already know all that. But what can I fucking do right now ? Die a couple of times again ? Really necessary ? Just save me right now or kill me freely. You understand ?!


    You know I fucking love you. But you also know I am so fucking freaking out about becoming a Mommy. And you know very well that without you we will die both. The baby and me.

    So it’s all up to you now. Me I am just gonna stay laid down on my bed for eternity. How’s that for a Good Bye ?


    The Sky is the Limit. Earth is my next home.

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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eww7ahPd8r4

    One revealing dream crashing

    To then feel the nostalgic silence,

    Curtains half-open I caught sight of a wounded gray sky,

    Leaving few drops of pain and blood on the floor.


    I push the door open, walk on empty pictures

    In the bathroom, broken pieces of our story...

    In the aisle fateful smells,

    Cold tabacco and coffee grounds make you disappear


    Slowly the walls drove me unaware,

    Shivering standing up, guessing your car away

    A fall, a dark emptiness that wring your entrails.

    The lapping of the wind sweeping along your letters,


    Home just looks like chaos

    Future burrying our ruins

    No’one will ever be due

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  • Ici je parle de Toi, de l'Amour

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    Moi je n'existe pas. Mais toi tu es là je te vois. Je te vois là, avec tes émotions, tes sentiments. Je les vie à travers toi. Alors je suis moi. Alors ne fuis pas, reviens vers moi, au moins pour moi. Tu n'es venu me voir qu'une seule fois, dans un rêve, tu étais si loin et si près de moi. Depuis, je pense tellement à toi. Dis-moi, un jour, est-ce que l'on se reverra? Car hé, si ce n'est pas le cas, pourquoi je resterai là?


                                                                                                                              A toi



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